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James Townsend

Raider Bowling Over Bulldogs

Portland’s boys defeated Ionia Score of 23 1/2 points to 6 1/2 points. Notable scores for Portland:

Evan Warner at 234

Vaughn Cross 213

Jack Dalman 206

McGuire Smiley 199

Luke Dalman 190

Portland high school boys as a team shot 1,016 surpassing their high score of the year by six pins. Notable scores for Ionia: Keegan Dalman 231, 192

Isaick Rowe 190 Portland high school girls team defeated Ionia 28 to 2. Notable scores for Portland: Kaylee Becker 200, 177

Sammi Krausz 188

Emma Armour 181 Notable scores for Ionia: Madison Erridge 191

Tabatha Martin 189 178 All three Portland girls shot their high game of the year. Congratulations ladies!

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