Kyle Hinds Joins the Raider Wrestling ‘Century Club’ as Team Takes 1st at Comstock

On Friday night, PHS Senior Wrestler Kyle Hinds earned his 100th high school wrestling win, which made him the newest member of the Raider Wrestling “Century Club.”
Hinds is now the 39th member of this prestigious group. Other members are:
Andrew Wieferich 186 2008 125-130-135-140
Andy Pulling 178 2003 119-125-130-135
Adam Johnson 178 2004 103-119-125
Ken Buckland 177 1991 103-112-119-125
Trevor Maus 169 2010 112-130-140-145
Kevin Miller 165 2011 103-112-119-130
Jacob Sandborn 160 2006 103-112-130-140
Mark Buckland 149 1993 103-112-125
Andrew Pohl 139 2001 HWT
Ben Spitzley 138 1998 160-171-189
Zac Hunter 135 1990 98-125-130
Chris Spitzley 135 2000 160-171
Jared Luellen 135 2010 103-119-125
Adam Fedewa 130 1990 105-119-125
Jonah Lyon 130 2001 140-152
Bob Thelen 128 2002 112-119-125
Seth Manshum 128 2012 152-160-171
Chad Guilford 126 1997 152-171-189
James Pace 125 2012 135-140
John Miller 124 2012 103-112-119
Travis Opperman 123 1998 140-145-152-160
Dominic Gardner 120 2016 112-119-130
Chris Pulling 119 2002 130-135
Matt Overweg 116 1994 103-112-119-135
Hayden Maus 114 2017 125-135-145-152
Adam Keusch 113 2000 135-145-152
Tracy Selden 112 1985 105-126-132
Brandon Guilford 112 2003 145
Mike Feldpausch 111 1999 112-125-130
Rob Marvin 110 1999 215
Jesse Terwilliger 107 1991 160-171
Alex Young 106 2015 130-125-135
Scott Selden 103 1983 98-112
Tony Savage 103 2015 103-112-125
Desmond Gardner 103 2018 112-119-130
Patrick Guilford 100 1997 135-140
Owen Guilford and Devin Miller both joined the club during the 2017-2018.
When asked about his accomplishment, Kyle said, “Reaching 100 wins has been a goal of mine since freshman year, it feels great to reach the goal but now it is time to focus on my bigger goals with post season coming up, also I can’t thank my coaches and teammates enough for constantly pushing me to get better.”
Head Coach Mark Holdren said, “Kyle's goal of being a great wrestler and working hard to achieve that goal has given Kyle the ability to become a member of the Century Club. I appreciate the work he has put into the sport of wrestling. During his high school career, he has found ways to do the extra's and has challenged himself on a year-round basis to get to 100 career wins. It was great to have him win his 100th match in the finals of the Comstock tournament. It was a close match with a tough opponent until Kyle took him down to his back and pinned him. Our Portland fans, coaches and teammates erupted with excitement. We all knew how special this milestone was. I thought it was even more special that his dad was able to present a recognition poster of Kyle on the mat after his match concluded.”
Parents Kurt and Jo Anne Hinds said, “It has been very gratifying as parents to watch Kyle grow with this sport over the years. He has worked very hard both in season and off to accomplish his goals, we couldn’t be more proud of him.”

Six Raiders were individual champs at Comstock on Friday. Pictured above, they were (back row left to to right) Hunter Hoppes, Ethan Getchell, Kyle Hinds Owen Guilford, (front row) Caiden Pelc, and Trent Trierweiler.

The Raiders as a team took first place for the tournament.

Four Raider seniors took a moment for a photo together. Multiple seniors were injured or ill and unable to compete on Friday, and are not in the photo.

Senior Owen Guilford was named the tournaments “Most Outstanding Wrestler.”
The Raiders next action is next Saturday when they travel to Ionia for the CAAC White Division Team Meet. Wrestling starts at 9:00 AM, and this is the last contest on the team’s regular schedule.
Photos courtesy of AJ Guilford.