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Support Local Media Coverage All Year Long by Purchasing Portland Beacon Apparel Today

James Townsend

While other media outlets swarm upon our community when a natural disaster strikes, The Portland Beacon covers Portland all year long. In good times and in bad. No on covers Portland like we do.

While we work hard to keep our operating costs as low as we can, a service like the Beacon needs money to operate. We have expenses that are not avoidable.

Please consider supporting us by purchasing a piece of quality Beacon apparel between now and February 13th. We have partnered with one of Portland’s newest businesses, Fabricated Customs, to offer you Portland Beacon apparel for a limited time only. A portion of the purchase price from each item goes to The Portland Beacon to support local journalism right here in the community.

The online store is open now and can be found at The apparel will be printed right here in Portland and free pick up is available.

The online store will be open for orders until midnight on February 13th. You will then be able to pick up your orders during one of two pickup events at Fabricated Customs (212 Kent St, Suite 2) on Wednesday, February 27th or Thursday, February 28th, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm each night.

If you live outside the Portland area and shipping is required, you can select $5.00 flat rate shipping within the US right on the site when you order.

Fabricated Customs opened their downtown Portland location in January of 2019. Located at 212 Kent St., Suite 2, they offer a wide variety of customized apparel. You can reach them at 517-449-3027 or online at

On Friday afternoon, Fabricated Customs had no electricity and about 4” of water in their basement due to the flooding. Co-Owner Gabe Viscomi said that they, “literally had little fish swimming around.”

If you are interested in supporting the Beacon financially but not interested in purchasing apparel, please click on the “Contribute” tab on our website for details on how you can help us out.

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The Portland Beacon is owned and operated by Townsend Small Business Solutions LLC

P.O. Box 331, Portland, MI 48875

Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved

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