Bryson Krieger Named PHS Raider of the Week for the Week of September 9th

Portland High School is pleased to announce this week's recipient of the “Raider of the Week” award:
Name: Bryson Krieger
Grade: 12
Parents: Becki Krieger-Mariage and Brian Krieger
Activities: Bryson has participated with the Raider Marching Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band throughout high school. He is part of the PHS Drama Club, Portland Civic Players, and Community Orchestra. He is also a member of the PHS National Honor Society, Student Council, and Captain's Club. He spends time volunteering at our Middle School tutoring students in band, works as part of our auditorium technical crew, and works part-time with Taste of Heaven Catering
Post-High School Plans: Bryson is enrolled in the Portland Early College Program and after graduation plans to attend a four-year college to study in the field of science.
Award: In recognition of being selected as “Raider of the Week” at Portland High School, Bryson is awarded one 9”/1-item pizza from The Pizza Shop courtesy of Dawn and Tom Hodge and will receive a plaque from S&K Trophies courtesy of Lynn and Dan Babbitt.