Attorney General Leading Crackdown on Robocalls

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office is leading several initiatives to help protect Michigan residents from scammers using robocalls.
According to the Attorney General’s office website, “Under Michigan law, a robocall is simply a telephone call with a recorded message, in whole or in part.”
The site indicates that legal robocalls include those “from a person or business:
Whom you have given prior permission to contact you;
Whom you are already a customer;
Who requests a face-to-face meeting to sell you something;
That is requesting money for a charitable organization;
That is requesting money for public safety organizations (e.g., police and firefighter union); or
That is a political party, politician, or political action committee (PAC).”
Illegal robocalls include those:
“For the sale of goods or services for more than $25;
You are on the National Do Not Call registry;
The caller does not provide their full name, who they are calling for, or a phone number that if called will be answered by a live operator; or
The number on the Caller ID is fake, misleading or inaccurate.”
You can find more information about the initiatives at