Golf Outing to support Portland football programs still on for August 1st

On behalf of the Portland Tackle Football Association & the Portland High School Football programs, I would like to address the upcoming golf outing and how COVID-19 has affected what the 2020 outing will look like.
We are pleased to say that we are still having the golf outing. It will take place August 1, 2020 at Willow Wood Golf Club. We will have a shotgun start at 2:30 PM for all players with registration opening at 1:30 PM. Payment will be due at registration. We are taking pre-registrations for the first 30 teams that would like to sign up for the outing. To pre-register please contact myself at or John Novara at with the names of the members of your team. The price is $60 per golfer if registered before the event and (space permitting) $80 the day of the event. All golfers must be at least 21 years old to participate.
There have been several difficult decisions that have had to be made between our programs and Willow Wood Golf club to accommodate the safety guidelines brought forth by the state in the interests of the potential participants of the outing. At one point we were all in doubt over whether the outing could still be held. This year, in accordance with the Governor’s rules on gatherings we are not able to have a banquet dinner after the outing. We also will not be having our merchant raffle as this may violate the order as well. There will still be a hot dog lunch provided and beverages will be served, but details on logistics are still being worked out.
We realize that COVID-19 has hurt many businesses in the community, for that reason, we are not sending representatives to ask for sponsorships this year for our outing, but we are still actively looking for businesses that can sponsor our outing and offset the costs of the season. If you can sponsor our outing, please contact me at the email address above for more information.
As always proceeds of this outing still will be split equally between the PTFA and the PHS football programs to offset the expenses of running the program and keeping equipment up to date and safe for the student athletes of our respective programs.
Thank you for your time, your understanding, and your continued support. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you in creating a stronger community for our youth.
Heath Burgoyne
Golf Outing Coordinator
Portland Tackle Football Association