Clue, On Stage!
Tickets To Go On Sale February 14!
Rehearsals are well underway, and the Portland Civic Players cast and crew are eager to present you
with the hilarious comedy Clue! On Stage!
Set on a dark and stormy night, unsuspecting guests have been invited to a very unusual dinner party.
Each of the guests has an alias. Wadsworth, the butler, played by Rory Miller, offers a variety of
weapons. The host is, well . . . dead! So, whodunnit? Join the iconic oddballs known as Miss Scarlet,
played by Tiffany Barron, Professor Plum played by Antonuis Watkins, Mrs. White, played by Sara
Pohl, Mr. Green, played by Clay Ramsey, Mrs. Peacock, played by Deb Hattis, Colonel Mustard, played
by Richard Hans, and the maid, played by Rebecca Lynn, as they race to find the murderer in Boddy
Manor as the body count stacks up. Rounding out the cast are Tyler Tichvon as Mr. Boddy, Jessica
Bigelow, as the Cook, Ashley Weinbrecht-Morris as the cop and the singing-telegram girl, and Leon
Miller as the motorist.
Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn, and written by Sandy Ruskin, this madcap comedy is sure
to entertain until the final moment. Clue is produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
The PCP production is directed by Dr. Roger Miller with assistant director, Jessica Bigelow. Play dates
are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 4, 5 & 6, and Friday and Saturday, March 11 & 12 at the
Portland Community Theater, located at 231 Maple Street, Portland. Tickets go on sale Monday,
February 14! You can order tickets online through our website, or by calling
the box office at 517-647-4041. Follow Portland Civic Players on Facebook for more details!
Picture: Standing L-R: Rory Miller, Rebecca Lynn, Deb Hattis, Tiffany Barron, Richard Hans, Antonius
Watkins, Clay Ramsey. In front L-R: Ashley Weinbrecht-Morris, Leon Miller, Sarah Pohl & Jessica
Bigelow (on floor)