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The American Legion Post 129

Kurt Fedewa

Local veterans may count on the American Legion.

David Fedewa is commander of the local post.

“The American Legion was established in 1919, right after the end of World War I,” said Fedewa. “The Portland Post 129 was created shortly thereafter in 1931. It is named after Dale E. Hyland, who was a local soldier who died in the war.”

The local American Legion post was welcomed into VFW Post 4090’s building in 2010. The two veterans-based organizations support each other financially. They work together on projects that support the community and that help local veterans to get the benefits to which they are entitled.

“As our members get older and their health issues arise, we help them to navigate the system in order to get the benefits that they need,” said Fedewa. “This includes financial aid, psychological aid, and assistance with health problems. If a problem originated while they were in military service, then we help them to get assistance, even many years after they were discharged.”

The services that the American Legion offers to people extend beyond those to local veterans and into the community at large.

“We’re a community-based organization and we’re here for Portland,” said Fedewa. “In 2017 we began the David A. Huhn college scholarship program. It’s available to any Portland-area high school senior who has military affiliation in their immediate family. We also support the Portland Community Fund as well as Backpacks for Bellies, which supplies lunches to school children.”

The Portland Post would like to welcome new members.

“New members are welcome to join us,” said Fedewa. “We provide a community to veterans like ourselves and we furnish support for them. Anyone with an honorable discharge from military service may join us. They may contact me and I will help them to gain membership.”

Fedewa has found membership in the Legion to be personally rewarding.

“The Legion has brought me a sense of ownership in the community as well as camaraderie with other veterans,” he said. “There are things that only another veteran can understand. The wisdom of the older veterans has proved to be very helpful to me. To talk to someone who has ‘been there’--who has experienced what I have experienced—is a priceless gift.”

The American Legion Post 129

1324 E. Bridge Street

Portland, MI 48875

Telephone: (517) 647-4980


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